P1CCF: Daniel Schneider - The Saga of the Jack of Spades and Ape Court
Artist Daniel Schneider at the 2017 Panel One Comic Creator Festival (Photo credit: Chris Doucher, GeekNerdNet.com)
The Saga of the Jack of Spades comic series - now having just released its third issue back in early August - was eight years in the making, says creator and writer on the series, Chase Kantor. Well, you can't have a book without a great artist, and that's where Daniel Schneider comes in, I spoke with him at the 2017 Panel One Comic Creators Festival (P1CCF). As Schneider says, it took a few years before they could finally start working on the series together. And for a creator-owned series, this creative team is doing a wicked job of getting their issues finished and into the hands of comic readers. The other fun series that Schneider is working on with writer and cartoonist Jeff Martin. To say Schneider and Martin are having a blast working on the series would be a massive understatement. Without further adieu, here's my interview with Daniel Schneider. Just hit play on the Soundcloud link.
This interview was recorded and written by Chris Doucher, Managing Editor for GeekNerdNet.