Exclusive Interview: James Davidge and Nick Johnson Discuss 1st Legion Of Utopia
L to R: Nick Johnson and James Davidge - 1st Legion Of Utopia (Photo credit: Chris Doucher/GeekNerdNet.com)
The following interview was recorded and written by Chris Doucher, Managing Editor for GeekNerdNet. (Photo credit: Chris Doucher/GeekNerdNet - *If you would like to use a photo from this post, you must have permission from GeekNerdNet.com to do so)
I recently sat down at Paper St. pub in Calgary with two of the four-part creative team from the book: 1st Legion of Utopia. James Davidge is the author, and Nick Johnson is the background artist. The book also features character work by Bob Prodor, letters by Ryan Ferrier, colour flats by Kyle Burles, and it’s published by Renegade Arts Entertainment. The official launch date is April 20 at Shelf Life Books in Calgary, where you can meet the entire creative team that put together this fantastic book.
The story, as Davidge tells us, is about the first meeting of the Common Co-operative Federation held in Calgary at Legion No.1 in 1932. They were Canada’s first socialist political party. Johnson will go on to talk about the process of what it was like to do background art, as well as what it was like to be mailed – yes, mailed - pages to work on. LISTEN NOW: Simply tap/select “Listen in bowser” on the Soundcloud link. Depending on which device you’re accessing this interview, you may also click/select the SoundCloud Play button.