A Super Nice Chat with the Super Talented Sabrina "Sabtastic" O'Donnell
The following interview was recorded and written by Chris Doucher, Managing Editor for GeekNerdNet. (Photo credits to Charles Cousins - *If you would like to use a photo from this post, you must have permission from GeekNerdNet.com to do so)
Sabrina “Sabtastic” O’Donnell at Edmonton Expo 2018. (Photo credit: Charles Cousins)
Super talented - as well as super nice person - Sabrina “Sabtastic” O'Donnell is a Canadian artist and colorist, and she took time out from her ridiculously busy day two of the 2018 Edmonton Expo to chat with me about her career - where she got started to where she is today. O’Donnell started out as a teacher, but now works independently selling her art at conventions across Canada, and into the United States as well. She still does some teaching, with fellow Canadian artist, Daniel Schneider, the two put on a three-day all-ages course through Youth Right. The course teaches kids how to make their own comic, and at the end of the course they have a comic that's printed and sellable at the comic store (now known as Wonderland/Happy Harbor Comics, in Edmonton).
O'Donnell goes on to talk about her work in comics on The Saga of the Jack of Spades (written by Chase Kantor) to her own work which is primarily spent at conventions, and the different types of themed conventions she's attended.
LISTEN NOW: Enjoy the full audio interview with O'Donnell. Simply tap/select “Listen in bowser” on the Soundcloud link. Depending on which device you’re accessing this interview, you may also click/select the SoundCloud Play button.