Team Ash Interview: Squarriors Creators Ash Maczko and Ashley Witter
The written story, as well as recorded interview were done by Chris Doucher, Editor-in-Chief, Writer and Comic Panel Moderator for GeekNerdNet. (Photo credits to: Charles Cousins and Chris Doucher)
Ash Maczko and Ashley Witter - the creative team behind Squarriors (Photo credit: Charles Cousins for GeekNerdNet)
It’s been five years since I first met The Squarriors creative duo Ash Maczko and Ashley Witter, - Team Ash - and I got the chance to catch up with them again. They have since released the hardcover collected edition of their hit series, Squarriors, which is now on its fifth issue of series 2. They also released a role playing card game of the same name.
Ash Maczko is the lead game designer for Cold War U.S.And a couple other card games they have released are Lady Death and the super fun titled: Fight Your Friends which was successfully funded on Kickstarter.
Ashley Witter also does a ton of cover work for Marvel, including X-23 and STAR WARS DOCTOR APHRA, and various covers for DC, too. Her and I talk about how cool it was when she got the call to do her first work for Marvel. We reminisced about the X-MEN animated series from the early nineties, which to this day still stands as one of the best to ever hit our TV screens. In my opinion, anyway.
Well, now it’s time you learned even more about these two and their work, so have a listen to their interview below and get to know them better. You’ll be glad you did. Oh, and make sure you buy Squarriors.
LISTEN NOW: Select “Listen in bowser” on the Soundcloud link. Depending on which device you’re accessing this interview, you may also click/select the SoundCloud Play button.