Panel One 2019: Days of Dark Fire Author Giovanni Smith
The following interview was recorded and written by Chris Doucher, Managing Editor for GeekNerdNet. ( is the Official Media Sponsor of the 2019 Panel One Comic Creator Festival) - *If you would like to use a photo from this post, you must have permission from to do so.
Writer, Giovanni Smith, at Panel One Comic Creator Festival 2019 (Photo credit: Chris Doucher/GeekNerdNet)
At the fourth annual Panel One Comic Creator Festival, Giovanni Smith, author of Days of Dark Fire comic, as well as founder of Sinopia Comics talked to me about his work to date. Spanning a decade, Smith talks about the process of his book: Days of Dark Fire - from initial idea to the printed book. Not only that, but Smith also founded Sinopia Comics, a platform that works as a pay-what-you-want model. Listen to the full interview below.
LISTEN NOW: Simply tap/select “Listen in bowser” on the Soundcloud link. Depending on which device you’re accessing this interview, you may also click/select the SoundCloud Play button.