Panel One 2019: STAN creative team - Nicole Gruszecki and Rob Gruszecki
The following interview was recorded and written by Chris Doucher, Managing Editor for GeekNerdNet. ( is the Official Media Sponsor of the 2019 Panel One Comic Creator Festival) - *If you would like to use a photo from this post, you must have permission from to do so.
Nicole Gruszecki and Rob Gruszecki at the 2019 Panel One Comic Creator Festival (Photo credit: Chris Doucher/GeekNerdNet)
If horror comics are your thing - and even if they’re not - then the book STAN by Nicole Gruszecki (artist) and Rob Gruszecki (writer) is your go-to indie comic. I had a chance to chat with the creative team at the fourth annual Panel One Comic Creator Festival. This six-issue series has just released issue four, and the interior panels not only tell this crazy story, but also contain quite the spectrum of images, from gross to super dirty. Good times! On that note, have a listen to Nicole and Rob talk all about it.
LISTEN NOW: Select “Listen in bowser” on the Soundcloud link. Depending on which device you’re accessing this interview, you may also click/select the SoundCloud Play button.